Michael W. Schroeder

Associate Professor

About me

After receiving my Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in 2011, I took a position at Marshall University.

My mathematical research interests are in combinatorics, graph theory, and matrix theory. In recent years, my interests also include data-driven research projects from community partners. I currently maintain active research both with theoretical mathematics and with data-driven research projects involving students, which I am able to supervise given my knowledge of applied mathematics and combinatorics, as well as additional training I have completed in data science.

I teach freshmen- and graduate-level courses for the department. I employ active learning methods in my classes involving group work, projects, and flipping the classroom.

Curriculum Vitæ

Click here for my most recent vita.


Student co-authors are in bold.

  1. On a completion problem for Latin arrays, with Kevin Akers, Stacie Baumann, Sarah Gustafson, Jaromy Kuhl, and Olivia Mosrie.
    Australas. J. Combin., Volume 83 (2022), pages 20-39. Link

  2. Primitive cycle decompositions of Kn and Kn-I, with John Asplund, Chandra Dinavahi, and Kira Owsley.
    J. Combin. Des., Volume 30, Issue 3 (2022), pages 152-192. Link

  3. Completing partial transversals of Cayley tables of Abelian groups, with Jaromy Kuhl and Donald McGinn.
    Electron. J. Combin., Volume 28, Issue 3 (2021), #P3.60, 15 pages. Link

  4. On monochromatic pairs with nondecreasing diameters, with Adam O'Neal.
    Electron. J. Combin. Volume 26, Issue 2 (2019), #P2.15, 12 pages. Link

  5. On the existence of partitioned incomplete Latin squares with five parts, with Jaromy Kuhl and Donald McGinn.
    Australas. J. Combin., Volume 74 (2019), pages 46-60. Link

  6. On erasure combinatorial batch codes, with JiYoon Jung, Carl Mummert, and Elizabeth Niese.
    Adv. Math. Comm., Volume 12, Issue 1 (2018), pages 49-65. Link

  7. Circulant matrices and mathematical juggling, with Richard Brualdi.
    Art Disc. App. Math., Volume 1, Issue 2 (2018), #P2.01, 17 pages. Link

  8. Latin squares with disjoint subsquares of two orders, with Jaromy Kuhl.
    J. Combin. Des., Volume 26, Issue 5 (2018), pages 219-236. Link

  9. Alternating sign matrices and their Bruhat order, with Richard Brualdi.
    Discrete Math., Volume 340, Issue 8 (2017), pages 1996-2019. Link

  10. A bijection on classes enumerated by the Schröder numbers, with Rebecca Smith.
    DMTCS, Volume 18, Issue 2 (2016), paper 15, 15 pages. Link

  11. Completing partial Latin squares with one nonempty row, column, and symbol, with Jaromy Kuhl.
    Electron. J. Combin., Volume 23, Issue 2 (2016), #P2.23, 13 pages. Link

  12. Completing partial Latin squares with blocks of non-empty cells, with Jaromy Kuhl.
    Graphs and Comb., Volume 32, Issue 1 (2016), pages 241-256. Link

  13. φ-symmetric Hamilton cycle decompositions of graphs.
    Discrete Math., Volume 338, Issue 9 (2015), pages 1586-1594. Link

  14. On Hamilton cycle decompositions of r-uniform, r-partite graphs, with Jaromy Kuhl.
    Discrete Math., Volume 315, Issue 1 (2014), pages 1-8. Link

  15. Patterns of alternating sign matrices, with R. A. Brualdi, K. P. Kiernan, and S. A. Meyer.
    Linear Algebra Appl., Volume 438, Issue 10 (2013), pages 3967-3990. Link

  16. Hamilton cycle decompositions of k-uniform k-partite hypergraphs, with Jaromy Kuhl.
    Australas. J. Combin., Volume 56 (2013), pages 23-37. Link

  17. Cyclic matching sequencibility of graphs, with R. A. Brualdi, K. P. Kiernan, and S. A. Meyer.
    Australas. J. Combin., Volume 53 (2012), pages 245-256. Link

  18. On the t-term rank of a (0,1)-matrix, with R. A. Brualdi, K. P. Kiernan, and S. A. Meyer.
    Linear Algebra Appl., Volume 436, Issue 6 (2012), pages 1632-1643. Link

  19. Symmetric Hamilton cycle decompositions of complete graphs minus a 1-factor, with R. A. Brualdi.
    J. Combin. Des., Volume 19, Issue 1 (2011), pages 1-15. Link

  20. Combinatorial batch codes and transversal matroids, with R. A. Brualdi, K. P. Kiernan, and S. A. Meyer.
    Adv. Math. Comm., Volume 4, Issue 3 (2010), pages 419-431. Link

    Erratum to "Combinatorial batch codes and transversal matroids''
    Adv. Math. Commun., Volume 4, Issue 4 (2010), page 597. Link

  21. Signed domination of graphs and (0,1)-matrices, with A. Berliner, R. A. Brualdi, L. Deaett, K. P. Kiernan, and S. A. Meyer.
    Combinatorics and Graphs, Contemp. Math., Volume 531 (2009), pages 19-42. Link

  22. Row and column orthogonal (0,1)-matrices, with A. Berliner, R. A. Brualdi, L. Deaett, and K. P. Kiernan.
    Linear Algebra Appl., Volume 429, Issues 11-12 (2008), pages 2732-2745. Link

Submitted Papers

  1. Primitive C4-decompositions of Kn-I.

Papers in Progress

  1. Hamilton cycle decompositions of complete multipartite graphs which are cyclic and symmetric, with Fatima Akinola.

  2. On 2-primitive C3-decompositions of Kn-I, with Joseph Stamm and Ian Waddell.

  3. A classification of the null space for dense alternating sign matrices, with Pauline van den Driessche.

Other Publications